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oikos St. Gallen operates 12 projects & platforms within various spheres taking into account the environmental, social and economic dimensions of sustainability. 



Promote sustainable eating

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Sustainable Finance

Promote sustainable investing

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oikos Conference

Organise a conference that facilitates scientific and business exchange, and promotes progress in all areas


Sustainability Week

A week with education about sustainability

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Framework for Climate Neutral Events

Provide and promote a framework for more sustainable event planning



Provide collaborative infrastructure that contributes to active knowledge creation and concrete action points towards a more environmentally, economically and socially sustainable university ecosystem

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Curriculum Change

Promote a change towards an up-to-date understanding of sustainability in curriculum

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oikos Solar

Advance sustainable energy where its most effective in Switzerland


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Promote sustainable Fashion



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oikos Labs

Convey practical approaches to sustainability to the Swiss population


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Sustainable Business

Consult industries to adapt their business plans to cut down emissions and incorporate sustainability in a broad sense


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oikos Startup-Night

Inform and connect students to sustainable start-ups


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A warm thank you to our sponsors for their contribution to oikos!


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© 2023 by oikos St. Gallen

Be informed. Get involved. Make a difference.

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